A young prince once set for a journey on the highest mountain of his country in search of an answer. He climbed all the way up to the mountain for days only to find the wise man and seek for his answer. When finally he arrived breathless he saw the wise man waiting for him.
- "I know you will be surprised but I have been expecting you. Now tell me what your question is. Soon you'll have to start climbing down. You don't want night to catch find you up here".
- "Oh wise man. I seek your help. For you see, quite some time now I can hear me heart beating and it won't stop. It beats harder and harder every day and I am scared I can't make it stop"
- "If your heart stops young prince then you would be dead. And since your heart beats as you describe, then it means that it wants you to be alive. Have you found a way to make it feel alive?" said mysteriously the old man.
- "My father's kingdom is the richest in the world. I can have anything I ask and hundreds of slaves will bow before my will. I can buy any man or woman I want. I can even buy love if I seek to. But my heart?? I can't make it stop." replied the prince.
- "That is the problem young prince. Your heart now is watching the world through your eyes. You have to blind it. And you have to let it find alone what it is looking for. Then you will find a way to make it stop. The only way is to rip it out of your chest and put it wherever it will be able to feel the world." said the wise man.

After finding him at the same spot he said. - " Your tricked me. I did what you told me but my heart does not stop beating. There is no spot in this kingdom that the heart hasn't gone and no sight it hasn't visited. Yet it hasn't stopped beating." said with excessive temper the young prince.
- "The heart has no eyes like yours young prince. It can only see certain things and not in the way you see them. You did not understand the meaning of my words, but your heart never abandoned you, for it is yours, and it is there for you and still beats until you find what it seeks. Now please go, I am an old man and I have to sleep."
The young man disappointed returned to his castle. The beating of the heart was way faster than ever. He got so angry of the wise man's words. He was fed up with the game. He ripped out his heart from his chest and threw it in the garbage. No one would ever find it there. No one would ever see it there. But one day a young beggar who was living on the streets asked audition with the prince. She said she had something that belonged to him.When they met eye to eye she told him.
- "Oh my prince. I am a poor girl living on the streets. I have dirty clothes and I have to search the garbage every day to find something to eat. Today I found this in the garbage. They told me it belongs to you so I thought I would return it back to you. No man should live far from where his heart is." The girl took out of her rugged clothes the heart of the prince and returned it to him.

- "I did not use any magic or tricks milord. The heart stopped beating when I held it close to my chest. I guess it found what it was looking for".The girl ripped her own heart from her chest and showed it to the prince.
And the two hearts where identical, and now they were beating in the same rhythm having found what they were looking for....
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