I want to become a feather. To be drifted away. To be carried by the wind. To move to distant places and see different worlds. To glide into the sky or dive back to earth. To move endlessly. Never to stop. Or to be stuck in a place until a strong wind blows. Stronger than before. To take me even further down the road. To land on the sea, on a mountain, on a river, on the desert. Or never land at all. To fly forever and ever ever. To be attached with wax to Icarus, the world's first dreamer.
I want to become a feather. Free like the birds that it comes from. Gentle in touch, like the hands of a lover touching his girls hands. Or even become a gift from that lover. To be caught in mid air and become a beautiful love gift. To be worn with pride on an Indian's helm.To be worn as an accessory or ornament, to show the world my beautifully shaped colors. To be light. Lighter than almost anything that flies. To move elegantly, to be admired. To be used as a pen so when people stick me into ink will be able to write. To write books,stories,love letters.
I want to become a feather. A feather from the wings of an eagle to fly high above the clouds. A feather from the beautiful white swan, to be whiter than snow. A feather from the watchful owl, to stand guard each and every night and gaze at the world through the night scope. A feather from the melodic nightingale, to listen to the mesmerizing song every morning,day and night. A feather from the majestic albatross to travel over oceans and seas. A feather from the colorful peacock where my colors will reflect the whole rainbow. A feather from the parrot to listen,learn and reproduce the wisdom of humans.
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