What would an angel like like I wonder? The truth is I don't know. It's only speculations I can make. You see, an angel can be your dog, who is biting your trousers in search of attention and finally renders you late 5 seconds, as much as it takes to avoid a dreadful car crash, and saves your life (personal experience). An angel could be a traffic light which suddenly turns red, and while waiting you meet the love of your life. An angel could be a dream which prevents you from doing something wrong later that day. An angel could be your horoscope, a deja vu, a gasp of wind or a headline in the newspaper. If it is a small one we call it luck. If it is a big one we call it miracle. Whatever the name it's part of our lives. It is strangely said. But there surely are forces which bend the laws of time and nature to give us something we need or even something we later discover we needed to progress. It's not a coincidence that sometimes when we are down and broken, that very moment of real pain something happens. Something completely normal but in a way with a very peculiar power of changing your mood or a "bad luck" situation. Carl Yung came up with the theory of "Synchronicity", which is the closest any man of science has come to the theory of Angels which is attributed to the exact opposite world, the one of religion.
Angels exist in my opinion. And sometimes they take the human form. Cause some times we are so blind to see the facts unraveled before us, so someone has to take us by the hand and reveal them to us. We might not believe a dog or a gasp of wind. But we will surely listen and (maybe) believe the words of a fellow man. I believe that there were certain times in my life that some people appeared in front of me just to show me the way. Or prevent me from taking the wrong way. Strangely in retrospect I get to admit that those meetings with "my" angels had something magical. Cause they are crystal clear in my memory. We all have the impression of angels as winged full of light creatures, dressed in white and carrying a halo. Well I tell you that angels don't always were white. They can be a woman in rugs you meet on the street, a receptionist you never talked before, who tells you "don't change" just exactly the moment you are about to make a big mistake or a friend you met over the internet, who supports you in any way and you can't understand how can such caring is possible. Did this ever happen to you before. To hear wise words from a person who never was "intellectual" or hear comforting words and affection suddenly from a person who always was "cold" towards you. Sometimes those words and those action are being put there by Angels or God.
In my religion angels are winged creatures, who dwell in heaven. They are sometimes in the disposal of God, to help "us" people bellow. What if we all have a guardian angel over our shoulder. What if there is an angel who takes different forms and helps us become what we are supposed to become. In my religion also there is a tradition which says that everyone takes the graces and the protection of the saint he has taken his name from. Something like a protection which comes from the name. Maybe that is an embodiment of an angel form.The entity of angels is also present in many other religions. And maybe that's a reason on it's own that proves their existence.

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