Thursday, March 17, 2011


“Art is a place. A place where the few remaining romantics of this world have gathered and thrive”.  I recently heard this phrase on a radio commercial of a newly opened art gallery. No doubt about it. Art is a place indeed. A place where romantics live and die. Better a place which romantics live and die for. It’s the place where they are allowed to perform and thrive. Art is all that, and more than that. Way more than that.
  • Art is endless. It’s limitless. It has no boundaries. As long as there are people who have imagination, art knows no limits. It goes on and on.

  • Art is devotion. Art can be a colored stain on a black and white canvas. Or a song comprised by three single notes. Nevertheless art means devotion. Devotion to what is and what you can call art.

  • Art is timeless. You can make art in a minute. And you can make art in a century. No matter how much time it takes, art is art. And the magnificence of art cannot be measured by “time” standards. Art must ripe before exhibited to the public eye. And no one knows what is the exact time for an artwork to ripe.

  • Art is everlasting. True art does not age. True art matures. Changes by time. Alters. But a masterpiece is never out of fashion. Art stays art no matter how many generations pass and how many changes take place in  the world. Art is eternal. And stays eternal.

  • Art  is emotional. It is born from emotions and it is born to bring emotions. Art “hits” straight to the heart and to the mind.  And combines them in a mostly pleasant way.

  • Art is artificial. It is a man made invention (let’s put aside for a while the art of nature). It is a creation. The embodiment of the artist’s mind. It is composed, sculpted, painted. It is material. But its’ influence goes far beyond any material limit. It exceeds the human boundaries.

  • Art is love. You have to love the object of your art, in order to create it in the first place. And you have to find love in your life in order to create that object. Most artists talk about love through their “art”. And they express in their own way the kind of “love” they have found in life (or seek to find in life). Love transformed to art is art transformed to love. 

  • Art is unreasonable. There is no place for pragmatism, dogmatism and realism in art. Art can be as reasonable or unreasonable as neede as long as it stays true to the roots of its’ creation.

  • Art is multidimensional. No artistic masterpiece has one dimension. The power of art lies in the many dimensions it can create. In the many different directions it can take. There is no certain path. It’s a maze of feelings and dimensions which sometimes extend to forever-ness or sometimes cross each other only to get broke up again.

  • Art is controversial. There ain’t no single piece of art that has only friends or only enemies. It’s not about how many of them a piece of art has, but in what extend do they express it. Extremism is one of art’s many attributes.

  • Art is abstract. In fact art is abstractly elaborated. Either copying perfectly the smile of a woman or drawing her in an imaginary way, art is not the means but the internal way of seeing things firstly and expressing them this way afterwards. 

  • Art is truth behind lies. Art is based in creating illusions and fake worlds. In a sense it is based on lying, yet the worlds created are to give a certain amount of truth. 

  • Art is life. It is inspired from life and it is a life creator itself. The imprint of life seen from the eyes of one single man. The vision of life. 

  • Art is incomprehensible. True that we can’t always understand art. Or not completely understand it at least. For art, is the world of the artist given in human means. Sometimes the more complex this world the more difficult it becomes to comprehend his art. And on the other side the closer we are to the artist’s state of mind at the time of creation, the easiest it is for us to get in his shoes and see from his point of view. 

  • Art is unconventional. Art does not follow pre-walked paths nor does compromise. It is original and always differently formulated.   

  • Art is relentless. No mistakes are to be made when you are an artist. Mistakes are unacceptable. For art is perfection.Even flawed art is perfectly imperfect.
  • Art is not only about masterpieces. The best representatives of any form of art are its’ masterpieces. They are the cornerstone for every future reference. Yet, real art is not about masterpieces but about making little pieces of art the right way.

  • Art is seriously fun. Yes. Art can be fun seeing it from a certain perspective. In general art is serious for real art is about serious things. But serious though it might be, it is fun exploring the serious side of it. 

  • Art is subliminal. Although the things that we see are usually the ones we admire, true art works in a subliminal level. That’s the real magic of it. 

  • Art is not compromising. For art is freedom of expression and therefore and attempt to “imprison” that freedom is only an attempt to make it fade to black or make it vanish. Art is a “nightingale”. Confine it, imprison it and its’ beauty dies alongside.  

  • Art tells no lies. Art can tell stories. Art can tell feelings and notions. Art can tell many things. But true art does not lie. It might be a little deceiving and disorienting but still art is never lying. Art is always  true to its' values.

  • Art always has an identity. It has a mark. It is completely and instantly identified although sometimes it is hidden behind causes. Art might be camouflaged, but it underneath there is always an identification mark which makes it unique.

  • Art is not repetitive. True art can't be the same twice. Art is unique. One of a kind and always evolving.

  • Art is revolutionary. It creates new roads. It breaks the rules and tears down the walls. Art always has a way. Always has a different irrational but completely justifiable way.

  • Art is visionary. Art sees in the future and sometimes projects it. Other times it speaks from the past, yet in a kind of futuristic aspect. Above all though art has a certain vision to what things were and are about to be and in that way it is expressing itself. 

  • Art is picky. It chooses the place, the time and above all the way it will reveal itself.  

  • Art is evolutionary. One piece of art gives inspiration to another. Art is continuously evolving. It takes from the past and gives to the future by altering the present. Sometimes it’s being copied from, even in different forms but copying art without creating something is not art at all. 

  • Art is not about money, fame or narcissism. It’s true that true artists (and unfortunately “false” ones too) get to become famous and wealthy. But true art is not about all these. True art is about creating inner wealth. It’s not bad though being able to acquire a few more coins in order to be undistracted when you want to create art.

  • Art is not recyclable. You can’t recycle, reuse and recreate art. 

  • Art is to be admired. You can surely create a masterpiece and lock it up on a dusty attic, away from the prying eyes forever. And it would still be a masterpiece nevertheless. But art is mainly to be admired. Art is to be exhibited and be given to the public. For not only the public is one of the judges, but also if art is true and it has to give something to the world as it ought to do, then it should be presented to as many as possible.

  • Art is respected. For a strange reason art through the ages was and is respected. Obvious why

  • Art is not racist. There is no nationality, color, race, financial state, IQ or any other kind of racism when it comes to art. Everyone and everything is equal. Art is the epitome of democracy in the world.

  • Art is not competitive. No work of art is better than another. They are all the same, and the only thing that you can compare about them is the amount of impact they have on public.

  • Art is freedom. Freedom of speech and expression. Art is freedom and artists free people as long as they serve their inner force.

  • Art is not always beautiful. Cause life itself is not always beautiful. And art is surely the extension of life experiences. Romanticism is only a part of art’s history, but “dark” art, controversial though it might be, is sometimes closer to the roots of human urge to create art.

  • Art is oblivious. Simply art can “forget” and start all over from scratch. 

  • Art is universal. It’s not regional. It’s not global. Art is universal. A vessel for interstellar travelling. 

  • Art is undying. For even if you “kill” the material representation of art, true art lingers in the minds of those who admired it. 

  • Art is a lover. Once you taste it there is no escape.

  • Art is art………………………… True art needs no justification at all.

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